We take care of our environment
You are in one of the only two municipalities whose territory is entirely part of the Cuenca Alta del Manzanares Regional Park, it is also a Biosphere Reserve and a Site of Community Interest. In our environment emblematic species of the Iberian fauna breed, such as the Iberian Imperial Eagle, for this reason, it is important to respect the rules. Help us to conserve the natural environment and biodiversity of Hoyo de Manzanares.
In compliance with the PRCAM regulations, only transit is allowed on roads for public use, enabled only for hiking or cycling. The circulation of motor vehicles on the roads is not allowed, except for the owners of the farms and those authorized persons who carry out agricultural activities or maintenance of the environment.
Characteristic places of the Sierra de Hoyo de Manzanares such as Los Picazos, El Estepar or La Tortuga, are within a Natural Reserve with a particularly restrictive protection regulations, and that access to them is only possible through a private estate («La Ladera y Picazos «) or an Army Maneuvering Range in others, so authorizations are required that only they can grant. Respect private property and do not interfere in traditional activities such as herding.
In Hoyo de Manzanares there is a public hunting ground with regular hunting activity on Sundays and holidays, mainly between the months of October and February. Always inform yourself before embarking on your route, respect the signs, do not leave the roads and take your dog on a leash.
In some points of our natural environment there are beehives. These are conveniently signposted. Exercise extreme caution when traveling near them.