Visit a Visigothic village
While in Toledo, the great capital of the Visigothic kingdom, the King and the numerous bishops gathered surrounded by wealth in the V Council of Toledo, life in the periphery was much simpler. Even the village of La Cabilda did not reach the gleam of gold, the villagers lived from what the environment gave them, in simple houses, in the warmth of humble homes and dedicated to their daily chores …
Sign up for the monthly guided visits to this archaeological site to find out what the day-to-day life was like for these first inhabitants of Hoyo de Manzanares back in the 7th century. A walk into the past led by the archaeologists Sandra Gómez and Lucía Villaescusa.
To participate in this activity it is necessary to register in advance by filling out a form for each of the people who want to attend the visit. In the days prior to the activity, you will receive an email confirming the place, also setting the time and meeting point.
Carefully read the mandatory guidelines for protection against the spread of COVID 19 and mark your agreement. Acceptance of the participation conditions will be an essential requirement to be able to register.
If you prefer to visit it on your own, remember that this Site is open 7 days a week and 24 hours a day. There you will find lecterns with information about the two buildings that can be visited today. Remember that you are in an archaeological site and you must comply with the existing recommendations. Don’t forget to leave the door closed when you leave.
In addition, you can download all the printed information, or the audio guide, in the section of plans, guides and videos or in the Hole accessible to all.
La Cabilda archaeological site