Circular route

This route is one of the favorites of our visitors. It is a route of almost 14 km that surrounds the urban area at a certain distance. It is estimated that the time to complete it in its entirety is about 4 hours and 30 minutes, but the truth is that it is a route without too much unevenness and little difficulty that can be done in less time. Families use it a lot because any of the roads that go out to the right will lead you back to the town, so you can do it comfortably in sections depending on the time you have, how tired you are or the weather. Throughout its journey we will see the landscape change, from the holm oak to the juniper, we will pass through viewpoints and quarries and we will even be able to make a stop and see virtually the Golden City movie sets.

  • Length. 13,8 km
  • Duration. 4 h 30 min
  • Difficulty. Medium.