This pink route is a variant of the Ruta de Carboneros (red). We can choose to do it in its longest format, 10 kilometers and 3 hours round trip from the town, or turn it into a walk suitable for the little ones, traveling only the section that takes us from the Berzalejo Recreational Area to the end of the route. . In the latter case, only 2 kilometers round trip and just 35 minutes.
The route takes you to the Charca de Los Camorchos Wetland, which at just 1 hectare in size is the smallest of the 23 wetlands included in the Catalog of Reservoirs and Wetlands of the Community of Madrid and in the National Inventory of Wetlands. We have a jewel formed by small sheets of silver water where the gems that adorn them are the amphibians that inhabit them. If you visit it, comply with the protection regulations and do not let your dog bathe.
- Length. 2 km- From El Berzalejo (Round trip) 10 km- From Plaza Mayor (Round trip)
- Duration. 35 min. From El Berzalejo (Round trip) 3 h. From the Plaza Mayor (Round trip)
- Difficulty. Low.